Over the past decade, Exploring Scholar has been a platform for hundreds of children to grow and develop academically. Our unique teaching philosophy benefits our students in their continuing education and future career.

When you speak with Exploring Scholar graduates – those who graduated last year to those who left 10 years ago, those who live across Canada and those who live around the world – they talk about the inspiring nature of the Exploring Scholar experience. They talk about powerful bonds of friendship and preparedness for leadership that stay with them. Experiences that help define who they are.

Exploring Scholar upholds our education programs to the highest standards ensuring that we are creating competent, confident, and effective learning experiences for all students.


All students need competent guidance. Every teacher and staff at Exploring Scholar shares our values and passion in education. Curriculum here is highly structured to make sure students have the most complete and well rounded education in every subject we teach. We pay strong emphasis on creating rich tasks to help students form excellent study habits that will benefit them in the long run. We have dedicated education researchers to ensure we can take pride in our pedagogy for every subject we teach.




Studying through the school systems as an exploring and curious scholar can feel like sailing in the ocean. We provide guidance counselling to ensure our students and families do not get lost in the sea of information. When students see a clear path to success, they become more confident in their studies, creating the strong motivation and drive needed to achieve their goals. We customize our teaching to enable all young learners to thrive.


Structured and systematic education allows us to pinpoint the needs of students in a timely manner. We limit our class sizes down to the most effective size for each subject, allowing our teachers to offer the attention students need the most while maintaining a healthy team learning environment in the classrooms. Our modern facility allows them to work undistracted. We respect our students’ time. They deserve the most effective education we can provide.
